Agenda digital europea pdf

Lo scopo dellagenda digitale e fare leva sul potenziale delle tecnologie ict per favorire innovazione, progresso e crescita economica, avendo come obiettivo principale lo sviluppo del mercato unico digitale. It follows the lisbon strategy for the period 20002010. It is intended to guide the work of the institutions. This summary has been archived and will not be updated, because the summarised document is no longer in force or does not reflect the current situation. This has to be accompanied by the development of the service economy and the mainstreaming of digital services. Strategia e quadro normativoagenzia per litalia digitale. At its meeting in brussels on 20 june 2019, the european council agreed on an agenda for the eu for the next five years. Digital agenda for europe programme from european commission. Lagenda digitale europea individua le 8 azioni fondamentali chiamate pilar o pilastri.

Commissione europea, report on a new digital agenda for europe. Agenda digitale il giornale sullagenda digitale italiana. Annule et remplace le document com2010 245 final du 19. Questa agenda digitale propone di sfruttare al meglio il potenziale delle tecnologie dellinformazione e della comunicazione tic per favorire l. Published in may 2010, it sets out to define the key enabling role that the use of icts will have to. Digitising european industry aims at ensuring that businesses, smes and nontech industries can benefit from digital innovations to create. Europe 2020 is a 10year strategy proposed by the european commission on 3 march 2010 for advancement of the economy of the european union. Pdf digital agenda for europe in the planning of the. This strategic agenda provides an overall framework and direction for that response. In the last decade social networks have become an essential element in optimizing the communication activities and the strengthening of the institutional image of organizations worldwide. Following up on the lisbon strategy, the digital agenda for europe dae was conceived as one of the seven flagship initiatives of the europe 2020 strategy adopted by the commission.

Digital agenda for europe in the planning of the development of the european union and of poland in the years 20142020 research pdf available. A new strategic agenda 20192024 sets out the priority areas that will steer the work of the european council and provide guidance for the work programmes of. Lagenzia per litalia digitale e preposta alla realizzazione degli obiettivi dellagenda digitale italiana, in coerenza con lagenda digitale europea. Lagenda digitale europea e uno dei 7 pilastri della strategia europa 2020, che indica gli obiettivi di crescita dellue fino al 2020. The single market in all its dimensions is a key asset in that regard. Lagenzia assicura il coordinamento informatico dellamministrazione statale, regionale e locale, in attuazione dellarticolo 117, comma 2, lettera r, della costituzione. A new strategic agenda 20192024 sets out the priority areas that will steer the work of the european council and provide guidance for the work programmes of other eu institutions. It aims at smart, sustainable, inclusive growth with greater coordination of national and european policy. This study, framed in the field of information society and. Lagenda digitale europea 2020 per comprendere a fondo lattuale politica europea in tema di digitale ovvero lagenda digitale europea 2020 approvata nel marzo del 2010 e opportuno ripercorrere i precedenti documenti strategici promossi a livello europeo.

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